Child Welfare

The welfare of our children at Cove Youth FC is of utmost importance

Annie MacDonald

Thinkuknow Website

The website provided by CEOP (Child Exploitation & Online Protection) is worth a visit if you haven’t already done so.

It offers up to date advice and guidance for children and parents on the safe use of the internet.

This website has been designed by young people for young people. Read more here

Telephone Numbers

The FA/NSPCC 24 hour Helpline number is 0808 800 5000.

The FA teamed up with the NSPCC several years ago and contributed financially to the nationally known NSPCC 24-hour Helpline number.

Anyone wishing to report a concern about a child or seek advice can phone The FA/NSPCC 24-hour Helpline 0808 800 5000.

This number is dealt with by a team of NSPCC trained staff who will inform The FA of concerns they receive relating to football.

It also offers a deaf users textphone on 0800 056 0566.

The FA Report Discrimination free phone number and email address

Call 0800 058 0508 to report allegations of discrimination such as sexist, racist and homophobic abuse as well as abuse in relation to disability.

This number is dealt with by FA staff in London although allegations can be passed back to a County FA or other organisation to deal with.

There is also an email address: which can be used as an alternative to the phone number.Read more here

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Clubhouse Opening Times
All Welcome
Monday 18:00-23:00
Tuesday 18:00-23:00 Match Days
Thursday 18:00-23:00
Friday 18:00-23:00 Event Nights
Saturday 08:00-19:00
Sunday 09:00-14:00